About us

NolasBark was envisioned by two animal loving young girls, to advocate for the well-being of all our furry friends.

The girls noticed in their own community that pets were hard to see when they were out at night. Further research by the girls led to the discovery that in the US alone, approximately 1.2 million dogs are killed on the roads each year. The number of cats killed on the roads in the US every year is much higher at an approximation of 5.4 million

Based on this, they wanted to help to reduce this number, which led them to starting NolasBark (Nola is their cute puppy in the logo). Initially NolasBark will offer lighted leashes and collars and as NolasBark continues to grow, they will provide additional items that help protect our furry friends.

NolasBark goal is also to give back to the community and to those that advocate for the well being of the pets we love. A percentage of all sales go to Nolas favorite charities that promote the safety and well being of her friends. We will post our first donation ceremony picture shortly. 

We thank you for visiting and supporting NolasBark and being a partner in our vision.

Should you have any questions or ideas for product offering, please contact us Email Nola